Noel's Trial 2014
Left is Control, Middle is 70kg DAP, Right is Exhaust Only, and as you can no harm to the worms. This is the second year with the same treatments on the same plots. Maarten Stappers observations are: The penetrometer went in 21% deeper than contol in DAP treatment, and 45% deeper in Exhaust treatment,
the roots were denser and deeper by 33% in Exhaust treatment than DAP. Tillering was 59% better than control and 19% better than DAP
Left is Control, Middle is 70kg DAP, Right is Exhaust Only, and as you can no harm to the worms. This is the second year with the same treatments on the same plots. Maarten Stappers observations are: The penetrometer went in 21% deeper than contol in DAP treatment, and 45% deeper in Exhaust treatment,
the roots were denser and deeper by 33% in Exhaust treatment than DAP. Tillering was 59% better than control and 19% better than DAP
Barley on Iron Bark Scald.
On the left is a picture of a bare patch (control) that never grows anything. These patches were sown with barley and Exhaust Fertiliser. There was an excellent germination with the barley and a month later a Solvita soil biology test was done with the bare patch reading 2 and the area sown with exhaust reading 4.5. The control’s soil was dry, powdery and had no structure, where as the exhaust treated soil was well structured, crumbly, ameliorated and had much more moisture in it. A Solvita reading of 2 indicates low soil biology activity which could fix 20Kg/Hec/year of Nitrogen, where as a reading of 4.5 is high and the
biology are fixing 85Kg/Hec/year of Nitrogen.
To read more about the Solvita test go to www.solvita.com